We married in 2012 and after 5 years of marriage decided to start trying to get pregnant. A few years later, I began to be frustrated and started seeking medical opinions.
In March 2018, I received a word from God that said, “He will give me a baby girl, a baby that I already put a name (Sharlyn Zoe)”. And that was true, I had chosen the name when I was 16 years old.
A few months later, we started some medical studies but the results were normal for both. We were diagnosed with “unknown infertility”. In July 2019, we did our first IUI and the results were negative. I was very frustrated and angry with God. I had very negative thoughts and no faith at all. I ignored what God said before.
In February 2020, I almost had an ovary torsion and the doctor told me if that happened, my chance to be a mom would decrease by 50%. I felt terrible, and it was in that moment where God started working with me.
In November 2020, we did our second IUI with negative results. In January 2021, we did our third IUI with more negative results. By April 2021, we started IVF treatment. The first IVF transfer was in May 2021 with negative results. Our second IVF was in October 2021 with negative results. My heart was completely broken and I was so tired. I stopped praying for a baby and started praying for my husband, my family and our relationship with God, not just for a miracle baby.
In 2022, I found “Moms in the Making” Spanish group. These amazing ladies helped me to be faithful that God is who has the control of everything. In one of the meetings, we talked about Proverbs 3:5, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight”. I made this my verse and trusted in what God said to me. In April 2022, we did our third transfer. We got 2 embryos and we got our first positive with twins. After 10 weeks, we lost one of the babies – our baby boy. I was so sad, but I kept remembering God’s promise.
After 6 years of spiritual and physical fighting, on December 28, 2022, we welcomed Sharlyn Zoe Acevedo Valle – our miracle baby.