In January 2021, my husband and I both agreed it was time to start a family after getting married in September of 2020. I had an appointment with my OB and she happily reported back that all results were “normal.” It took me some to realize that that was actually not the case as my cycles were few and far between.
I started with medicated cycles for the next few months, bringing us to March of 2022. Thankfully, by this point, I had found Moms in the Making and joined a virtual group. Having a place to share my experiences with other women going through similar things and being able to get deeper in the Word made such a positive impact on my journey.
After many months of medicated cycles, my OB told me she has exhausted all of our options and we needed to go to a fertility specialist. Their answer was simple: unexplained infertility and that we needed to do IVF.
I knew in my heart that IVF was not the plan that God had for us at that time. My husband and I agreed to give it a few more months before considering IUI. During that time, I began doing more of my own digging on root causes (what was causing my body not to do what God designed it to do) and found a functional medicine doctor who we began working with.
We began a protocol with them in November 2022 and found out I was pregnant naturally two months later in January 2023! God has showed up so many times in our journey to our daughter, Madeline. From finding Moms in the Making to being more involved in our church and attending my first women’s conference, to helping us move halfway across the country to be closer to family and most importantly, teaching us the importance of deepening our relationship with Him.
Maddie spent 19 days in the NICU with a very scary diagnosis, BUT God. After her initial diagnosis, all of her tests, labs and check-ins have come back with the most positive news. While we would never wish infertility or a long NICU stay for anyone, we are thankful for the closeness we felt with our Lord through it all. Maddie truly is the most perfect blessing from Him and we can’t wait to see what the rest of her story looks like!