My testimony comes from things that happened at our 2022 Moms in the Making conference.
First, I prepared to go to this conference. I knew God wanted me there and I fundraised for a long time to get there and God provided every step of the way. I kept the faith that He would do it and He did it and I had more left over!
Also, I prepared my heart and asked Him to change me and work on me at conference. I did the prayer guide that Moms in the Making provided on our app before the week of conference and I think all of that made a huge difference in my heart when I was there.
I felt FREE! Free to talk to ladies and be myself and to worship God wholeheartedly! I kept thinking back to my first conference I attended and how different my heart posture was and how anxious and scared I was! Praise God for working on me before, during, and now after conference! What a difference Jesus makes!
Also, Colby made a prophecy about having checks in our mailboxes when we came home and guess what? We had one! Some type of refund check, worth over $2K came to us a couple of days after I got home! Look at God! How amazing! It’s like He repaid me for going to conference twice over! He is amazing!