2022 was a year of completely trusting in God and walking in His will for my life, fully. At the beginning of 2022 we did our second IUI, unfortunately it was unsuccessful. We took a couple of months off and I went to the leader retreat with Moms in the Making where I was so encouraged in my journey of infertility and in life to just trust God, wholly. I came home ready to just step out onto the water where He was calling, not at all sure where it would lead.
We did our third IUI in April and again, it was unsuccessful. In May, we were met with the news that IVF would be our next steps for treatment, very resistant, we took another break from treatment. I was broken, I was hurting and I was in an unhealthy work environment and needed change. In June, I took a new job completely out of my career field that resulted in a pay cut but an environment that helped restore my mental and emotional health in a way I didn’t know was possible.
We decided we would not pursue any further treatment until after the new year but wanted to begin to financially see if it would even be possible. The enemy tried really hard to win. I truly saw every mountain possible to keep us from continuing treatment, but God! On a grueling hiking trip, where I felt I could not go up a physical mountain in Utah, He met me there. I heard His voice say to me that my journey is different, to trust Him and the view will be worth it. Sobbing and feeling so grateful, the top of that mountain was the most beautiful view I had ever seen.
My husband and I came home on fire for the Lord and our journey and we decided to start fundraising. Through the generosity of our army and through His grace, we are starting IVF treatment tomorrow for our first round and He provided EVERYTHING we needed, down to the last exact dollar before we even knew what that amount was!!
Though I don’t know the way our story ends, I have to stop and admire the beauty and the journey and His goodness that has brought us here, to this moment. God is good, He is the mountain mover.