My husband and I began our fertility journey unexpectedly in June 2021. We had just gotten married in December 2020 and were surprised to find ourselves pregnant that June. Little did we know, our baby had no heartbeat, marking the start of a dark chapter in our lives.
After a year of mourning, we decided to try again, and I found myself pregnant at what felt like the worst possible time. The morning after I took a positive pregnancy test in March 2023, I experienced heavy bleeding with significant clots, and I just knew we had lost another baby.
This loss pushed us deeper into our journey of trusting God to grant us the family we desired. In May 2023, I discovered I was pregnant again, seemingly with a twin of the baby we lost. We thought this was our answered prayer. Our baby girl had an incredibly strong heartbeat. However, we missed the warning signs that something was wrong. My progesterone levels were extremely low, and she was diagnosed with what is known as Turner syndrome.
As we noticed her heartbeat slowing and a lack of growth, the doctor reassured us that nothing was wrong. Then, at 16 weeks, we found out she had unexpectedly passed away in the womb at 13 weeks, and soon after, we lost another baby. It was during this difficult time that I was introduced to Moms in the Making, where I met other women navigating their own grief and struggles to start families. For the first time on this journey, I didn’t feel alone.
In the three years of our marriage, we had lost three children. Having others who understood our struggle meant everything to me. During this period, several people shared that they felt God was preparing us for something, but we didn’t expect it would be for a baby.
I was scheduled for surgery that would hopefully help me stay pregnant, as we hadn’t found answers for my unexpected miscarriages. I was terrified, but God worked a miracle and I got pregnant again. My hormone levels were normal, and our baby girl was born on September 13, 2024. Glory to God—He answered our prayers.