
Prayer for…


Prayer for No Miscarriages

Have you had a miscarriage? We first want to say we are so sorry — our hearts grieve with you. We also want to agree in prayer for no more miscarriages. The enemy’s goal is to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came to bring abundant life (John 10:10)! This is why we want to pray that the enemy’s tactics would be stopped. We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord I come to you and thank you that you sent your one and only son so I could live in abundant life. I thank you that have a heart for babies and family. Thank you that pregnancy was your idea and that your desire is for fruitfulness and multiplication. Right now I declare out loud that there will be no more miscarriages. I declare that the enemy has no right to steal from my womb any longer. I close any door to the enemy where I unknowingly invited him in. Through your glorious name and your awesome power I can push through to any victory and defeat every enemy (Psalm 44:5). I declare that the enemy and death have both already defeated and that miscarriages will no longer be a part of my future. No weapon formed against me will prosper, in Jesus name (Isaiah 54:17). I agree with all of Heaven for life over my womb and I thank you in advance for carrying babies to full term in my belly. Amen.

Prayer for Cycles

The very first miracle we saw in Moms in the Making was in 2013. A woman, who was diagnosed with secondary infertility, hadn’t had her cycle in months and months. Her prayer simply was that her period would start. We prayed for her on a Wednesday evening and later that night, when she got back to her home, her period began. Father God Cares about your period! He cares about your cycles. He created you to have one cycle every month. If you haven’t had yours in a long time or if yours won’t stop going, we want to pray for you. If you have difficulty or pain when you have your cycle, we also want to pray for you. If any of this resonates with you, pray this prayer out loud.

Father, thank you that you care about every detail of my life, including my cycles. I take a hold of the testimony of the very first miracle this ministry saw, and I ask you to do the same thing in my life. (If you haven’t had your period….) I call forth my cycle to start in the name of Jesus. I thank you that you are balancing out my hormones and removing anything from my body that is not supposed to be there. (If your period won’t stop…) I command my period to stop right now in the name of Jesus. Father, I ask that you touch my body right now and I pray I would not experience any more complications, but I would instead be completely healed. I declare out loud that I no longer must face debilitating pain with my cycles. I command all discomfort, cramps, headaches, nausea and weakness to go. Thank you, Jesus, that you paid a high price for me to live healed. I thank you that are normalizing all my cycles and hormones so that I can function as you originally created. Thank you, Lord, that you are prepping my body so I can carry life in my womb. Amen and Amen.

That woman mentioned above? She now has 3 miracles! God is good.

Prayer for Forgiveness

How many times has someone said something insensitive to you? Who has had a bad experience with a doctor or nurse? Whether it’s regarding the journey of becoming a mother, or any other aspect of life, each and every one of us have experienced hurt and disappointment caused by others. With that being said, we can’t harbor unforgiveness. We often do so to punish the person who hurt us, but in turn it just punishes us, locking us up into bondage and giving an open invitation to the enemy to wreak even more havoc in our lives. Not only that, but when we choose not to forgive, we are held back from experiencing everything God has for us. Who do you need to forgive today? Ask Holy Spirit. We also invite you to pray the prayer below. In addition, have you ever forgiven yourself? This part of forgiveness is often overlooked, but we want to encourage you to take time today to forgive yourself as well as your body.

Father, I ask that you reveal every area of my life that has held me in bondage due to my lack of willingness to forgive. Reveal to me the areas of my heart that have become hard and bring to mind every person I need to forgive. Father, I ask for forgiveness, for what I have done. In addition, I forgive XYZ for what they said to me and how they treated me. I choose to forgive and bless all those who have wronged me, not because I agree with what they did, but because I am called to forgive them as you have forgiven me. Amen

Prayer for Loneliness

Are you feeling lonely on your journey? We encourage you to pray this out loud.

Lord, I bring my feelings of loneliness to you and ask that you heal the areas of my heart that have pain. I thank you that even when it seems like no one else understands, you do. I rebuke the spirit of loneliness and any lies the enemy has told me that contradict your Word. I thank you that you are with me wherever I go and even if all the people in my life have forsaken me, you never will. I ask you to help me, strengthen me and uphold me. I want to know you not as just my Father, but as my best friend. I invite you into this season of my life to be a near and dear friend. I ask that your Holy Spirit comforts me in a way that no person ever can. Lord, I turn to you to heal all the areas of loneliness that my heart is feeling, but I also come to you boldly asking for a community of faith-filled friends who can hold my hands up when I have lost all strength. I believe you have Kingdom friendship for me that will help mold me into your image. I thank you that you are restoring and redeeming how I view relationships and that my past ones that ended poorly are not a reflection of the future ones you have for me. I ask you to show me what true friendship should look like. Thank you in advance for expanding my circle and reminding me that you intended for me to live in community with others. Amen

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41:10

“Be strong and courageous. Do not fear or be in dread of them, for it is the Lord your God who goes with you. He will not leave you or forsake you.” Deuteronomy 31:6

Prayer for Grief

Are you feeling weighed down by grief? Have you had a recent loss in your life? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, I thank you that you are near to me as I grieve. Thank you that you have made a promise to me to heal my broken heart. I ask that you remove the heaviness of grief. I ask you to heal any areas of my heart that are full of disappointment, sadness, anger and confusion. I thank you that you bottle every tear I cry and hold me as I go through the process of grief. I give to you the burden of grief that I am trying to carry alone. Thank you Lord for exchanging my mourning, for joy. Thank you that you give me grace to navigate today and the days ahead. I ask you would bring people in my life who can carry me during this time, speaking words of comfort and hope. I thank you for your Word, which gives me life and reminds me that I can have hope, joy and peace, even amid grief and loss. Thank you that grief and loss is not the focus of my story, but you are! I declare that the enemy has no right to hold me back from my future or steal any more. I call forth your redemption and restoration. Thank you that you have plans to prosper me, to give me hope and a future. I call forth your plans to come to fruition in my life and I look forward to all you have in store for me! Amen

Prayer for Strength

Are you feeling weary on your journey to grow your family? Do you need strength? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, I come to you with my exhaustion and weariness. I thank you Lord that admitting that I am weak is one of the most beautiful things, because it’s when I admit my weakness that you can come in and help me. May my weakness be a time when your power is perfected in and through me. I thank you Lord that as I put my hope in you, you will renew my strength. Thank you, Lord, that your strength will sustain me and carry me through each day. I ask that your grace would be enough for today and be exactly what I need. Amen

“He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.” Isaiah 40:28-31

.”My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.” Psalm 73:26

.“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ 2 Corinthians 12:9

.”Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

Prayer for Comfort

Are you facing grief? Heartache? Disappointment? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, I thank you that you are my comforter. I ask you to heal all the places my heart is broken and hurting. I ask that you come in and bring restoration to every traumatic memory I have that is tied to my heartache. Thank you that you meet me right where I am, in my disappointment and mourning. I thank you that as I grieve, you are close to me. I give to you all the burdens I am carrying and ask you to carry them for me. In exchange I receive your strength which I know will help me get through this time. Lord, I admit that I can’t do this alone. I need you! Thank you that you care and thank you for being patient with me throughout this process. Show me what it looks like to grieve with hope. Show me what it looks like to grieve with you by my side. May I look more like you on the other side of this journey. Amen

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

“He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.” Psalm 147:3

“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5:4

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” Psalm 68:19

Prayer for Miracle Babies

If you are believing for babies in your belly, we encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, thank you for your Word which calls me to be fruitful and multiply. Thank you that you created me to create and produce life. I call forth life into my womb in Jesus’ name and I cast out all infertility and command it to be gone. I declare the enemy cannot steal time or life from me any longer because he has no right. I break all agreements I have made with him through the words I have spoken. Instead, I partner up with your Word which says you make the barren women fruitful. Lord, I praise you that children are your idea. I declare that although my circumstances dictate otherwise, I am fruitful! I declare that by the stripes of Jesus my husband and I were healed on the cross.  Thank you that nothing is impossible with you. I believe you are bigger than any diagnosis I have received. I know that the doctor’s report or amount of time I have been waiting do not diminish the chances of my conception, because your Word has the final report. Thank you, Lord, that all children are a gift and reward from you. I give you all praise in advance for expanding my household with babies. I thank you for a full-term pregnancy with no complications. I praise you in advance for the children you are bringing to me. I bring you all honor and glory for what you have done, are continuing to do, and what you are about to do! Amen. 

Prayer for Sleep

Are you having a hard time sleeping during this time? We encourage you to pray the prayer below out loud before nighttime. We also want to remind you, just with anything, that we have a role to play and there are things we need to do as well. Here are some things we suggest in addition to prayer:

* Fill your mind with truth and worship not only throughout the day, but at the end of the day as well. Read scripture or listen to worship before you go to bed. We encourage you not to spend the last fruits of your day looking at the news or scrolling social media.

* Try putting your phone/tablet in another room or your bathroom. Avoid keeping it in your bedroom.

Now let’s pray!

Lord, I thank you for the gift of rest and sleep. I declare that when I lie down, I have nothing to fear and my sleep will be sweet (Proverbs 3:24). Thank you for keeping me safe as I sleep (Psalm 4:8). I rebuke any fear or anxiety right now and I call forth your presence into my bedroom. I command any demonic spirits to leave my house right now and declare that the enemy has no right to steal rest from me any longer. Thank you that you are with me all night and you never leave me or forsake me. I ask that you help settle my mind tonight and that my body would receive great rest and comfort all throughout the night. I delight in hearing from you during the night and ask that you would speak to me tonight with dreams and visions from heaven. May I wake up feeling fully rested. Amen.

Prayer for Fertility Journey

Lord, I thank you that you are not surprised by anything and that in the middle of so much unknown I am given a greater opportunity to trust you with every aspect of my life. I bring you all my concerns and worries knowing that I can’t carry them alone, but you have promised to carry them for me. I surrender the unknown to you right now and ask that your perfect peace would captivate my mind and body. I pray for wisdom as I work with my fertility doctor/case agent/adoption consultant. I pray you would be with us as we communicate to each other and as we partner together to make the right decisions. I thank you that what feels like delay right now is not denial, but that you are setting everything up for the perfect timing for my babies to come into my family. I thank you that you have the final authority over growing my family and your plans for fruitfulness and multiplication remain the same. I choose to look to you as my only constant – the One who is the same yesterday, today and forever. Thank you for never leaving my side and caring more about my desire for my family than I do. Amen.

Prayer for the Impossible

Are you facing an impossible situation today? We encourage you to pray this out loud: Lord, I thank you that you are the God of the impossible! I thank you that there is no situation too hard for you. I declare that my impossible situation is not a dead end but an opportunity to see you fling a door wide open! I thank you for bringing me to a place to see your glory and power manifest like I never have before. I pray over my current situation and I ask you to come invade it with your Holy Spirit. I declare restoration, health, healing and breakthrough to every impossible situation I am facing. I thank you for creating babies even though I have been told it will never happen. I thank you for providing money even though my financial situation feels impossible. I thank you for bringing restoration to relationships that seem too far gone. I thank you that I don’t have to have the answers because you do. I thank you for this opportunity to lean back into you and trust you that you WILL turn this situation for my good. I thank you that you are working out all the details and that absolutely NOTHING is too hard for you! I praise you in advance for all you are going to do. Amen

Prayer for Peace

Are you feeling overwhelmed? Have you been feeling anxious? Do you want peace? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud:

Lord, I thank you that you meet me right where I am. I surrender my anxious and fearful thoughts to you. I command all confusion, anxiety and fear to be gone. I declare that the enemy has no right to overwhelm my mind or my thoughts. I call forth your perfect peace to overwhelm me.

I praise you that your Word promises me that although I will face tribulations, when I am in you, I can have peace. I thank you that peace is always available to me, even when my circumstances and the things of this world feel very chaotic. I ask you Father to give me wisdom and strategy on how to be a woman of peace.

I thank you that your peace surpasses all understanding. I repent from trying to figure out my future and I open my arms to receive the gift of peace you give to me today. I thank you that I do not have to strive or work for it, but your peace is a free gift that is available to me today.

No longer will I fix my attention on the things of this world or on my circumstances, but I declare that when I put my trust in you and keep my mind steadfast upon you, you will keep me in perfect peace. Thank you Lord! Amen

“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33

“You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you.” Isaiah 26:3

Prayer for Fertility Treatments

Are you in the middle of fertility treatments? Or do you plan on pursing treatment soon? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, I invite you into the medical treatment process. I thank you for opening up the door for me to pursue medical assistance. I thank you that you give me the grace and strength needed and I ask that you would give me guidance and wisdom every step of the way. I thank you for being with me during every stage, from the initial consultation to the very last appointment.

Lord, I thank you in advance for providing the finances needed to pay the medical expenses. I also ask that you would guide the doctors I am working with and give them the knowledge needed to provide the best treatment plan for me.

Lord, I surrender understanding how this journey will unfold. I put my trust not in the doctors or in the medication but in you. I can’t wait to see how you write this story! Thank you for being with me every step of the way!


Prayer for PCOS

Have you been told you have PCOS? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, Thank you that you are bigger than any diagnosis I have received, including PCOS. Thank you that you don’t see me through the lens of this diagnosis, but you see me as whole and complete in you. I decree that the blood Jesus shed at the cross paid for me to be completely healed from PCOS.

I break agreement with PCOS and declare that it does not define me. Lord, show me the areas of my life that I have wrapped myself in this diagnosis. Help me to break free from being defined by PCOS or infertility.

I speak to any cysts on my body and command them to dissipate in the name of Jesus. I command my hormones, ovaries, eggs and follicles to come into alignment with your original design. I cancel any attacks on my body. I declare that my body will have normal, healthy cycles in Jesus’ name. I cancel any word curses spoken over my body by myself, doctors or anyone else.

Thank you that this is a day of breakthrough and healing. I look forward to my future, including receiving a good report over my body.

Prayer for Endometriosis

Have you been told you have endometriosis? We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud:⁠

⁠Lord, I thank you that you are bigger than any diagnosis I have received, including endometriosis. Thank you that you don’t see me through the lens of this diagnosis, but you see me as whole and complete in you. I decree that the blood Jesus shed at the cross paid for me to be completely healed from endometriosis.⁠

I break agreement with endometriosis and declare that it does not define me. Lord, show me the areas of my life that I have wrapped myself in this diagnosis. Help me to break free from being defined by endometriosis or infertility. ⁠

⁠I speak to any tissue that has grown outside my uterus and command it to dissipate in the name of Jesus. I command any endometriosis found on my ovaries, fallopian tubes or intestines to be completely eradicated. I cancel any attacks on my body. I declare that my body will have normal, healthy cycles in Jesus’ name. I command any pain caused by endometriosis to cease right now. ⁠

⁠I cancel any word curses spoken over my body by myself, doctors or anyone else. I declare that endometriosis is completely gone and my body is ready to receive an life and have a full-term pregnancy. Thank you Lord that today is my day of breakthrough and healing. I look forward to my future, including receiving a good report over my body. Amen

Prayer for Renewed Hope

Lord, I bring my feelings of hopelessness to you and thank you that you meet me right where I am. I admit that this is not where I want to stay as I know that hope is available for me today.

Lord I ask you to show me the areas of my life that all hope has been lost. I ask you to bring them to the surface. Lord heal the pain of my past that has led to hopelessness and then help me see my future through your perspective.

I declare today that you, Jesus, are my hope. I repent from thinking that anything else, even a baby, could bring me hope. I repent from having the mindset that my circumstances dictate my hope levels. And I say no longer does the enemy have any right to steal my hope. Just like in Psalm 39:7 I declare “And now, God, I’m left with one conclusion: my only hope is to hope in you alone!”

Thank you Lord that as I put my hope and trust in you, you will renew my strength. I will no longer live defeated or discouraged, because it is your strength that lives on the inside of me. Thank you for renewing my hope today!

“But those who HOPE in the Lord will RENEW their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Prayer for Provision

It might feel like everything has been stripped away, but Father God wants to be your provider and meet all of your needs during this time. We encourage you to pray this prayer out loud if you currently need provision from the Lord:

Lord forgive me for putting my trust in other people, other things, money or this economy. I repent and turn back to you and declare you are my provider and you are where my hope lies. I thank you that you always meet every one of my needs. I thank you that your word says when I seek you I will find you and when I seek you first, above all else, you will give me everything I need.

Thank you for walking with me as I put my full trust in you expecting you will help provide for all my financial needs. Thank you for providing everything I need for my family to grow, whether that’s insurance, finances for adoption/IVF or money for prenatal vitamins and diapers. I trust you will take care of it all.

I rebuke all fear related to the economy or my financial status. I refuse to believe the lie that you won’t meet my needs. Instead I take this opportunity to fully trust you. Thank you for being such a good Father and for always having my best interest in store. Amen
“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:19

Prayer for Marriages

Lord, I thank you that you designed me to be unified with my husband. I thank you that despite that it doesn’t always feel like it, I am on the same team with him. I declare that no tactic from the enemy, including infertility, can separate us from one another. I ask now that you would reveal any areas of my heart where I have been withholding forgiveness. Holy Spirit, give me the words and strength to extend forgiveness towards him.

I ask for healing in every area of my marriage that currently is hurting. I thank you Lord that our past situations don’t affect our future marriage. I thank you that you can redeem, restore and heal all things.

I pray over our communication – that there would be a new found desire for both my husband and I to open up to one other. Lord, give us strategy from heaven with ways to put each other’s needs and desires before our own. Give us ideas on how to have fun, laugh, connect, and be unified with you.

Lord help me serve and love my husband as you have called me to do. Help me to be an example and a witness to Him. Give me supernatural strength to love him as you have loved me.

I thank you Lord for the gift of marriage and thank you for being the center of ours. Amen!

Prayer for Male Factor

Has your husband been diagnosed with male factor infertility? If so, we encourage you to pray this prayer out loud.

Lord, I thank you for my husband and I thank you that you have gone before Him to write His fertility story. I speak divine health and healing to His body. I call forth all hormone levels to come into alignment with your original design. I command all sperm to be healthy. Thank you Lord for perfect motility, morphology and count. I believe for a creative miracle to take place in His body and I expect a great report.

I break off all word curses spoken over my husband in regards to his health and I declare that by the stripes of Jesus, He is healed and whole. Thank you Lord that you care about every aspect of this fertility journey, including my husband’s health too. Thank you for strengthening my husband’s body. In the name of Jesus I pray, Amen.